An innovative, multi-stakeholder dialogue forum for the infrastructure sector.
Infrastructure Dialogue – Infrastructure Sector Procurement
Infrastructure Dialogue- Infrastructure Legacy
Climate Change and the effect on Municipal Infrastructure
Public Transport

Infrastructure Dialogue – Infrastructure Sector Procurement

In his 2010 State of the Nation Address, the President reiterated the importance of the national infrastructure investment programme: “Underpinning our strategy for ecomomic recovery and growth, is our capital investment programme.  Over the next three years government will spend R846 billion on public infrastructure”. A large portion of this spend will be in the[…]

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Infrastructure Dialogue- Infrastructure Legacy

The focus of this dialogue is on the anticipated legacy impacts of the infrastructure provided, both directly and indirectly, to support the hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup tournament.Mega events do hold all sorts of connotations and clearly instil hope for host nations. For South Africa and the African continent at this historical juncture,[…]

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Climate Change and the effect on Municipal Infrastructure

The challenges Municipalities face in adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change on their Infrastructure. Governments from around the world met in December to discuss policy and the way forward in dealing with the effects of Climate Change (Conference of the Parties -15 of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen). […]

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Public Transport

Municipal Public Transport is a critical issue for South Africa because in terms of the National Public Transport Strategy and Action Plan 2007, municipalities are now responsible for ensuring the availability of affordable, efficient and integrated public transport. In South Africa past policies and present practices have reinforced exclusionary transport modes and inefficient settlement patterns with[…]

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