An innovative, multi-stakeholder dialogue forum for the infrastructure sector.
Pricing and paying for municipal rates and charges
Municipal Water and Sanitation Infrastructure
DIALOGUE REPORT: Localising Nov 13 2014
Financing Public Infrastructure
The Integrated Urban Development Framework

Pricing and paying for municipal rates and charges

Forewarned, forearmed goes the motto. If so, what is a person to do when armed with the knowledge that pricing of, and paying for municipal services is not working out too well. Aggregate municipal consumer debt stood at R98 billion on 30 September 2014 divided between metros R54.7 billion, secondary cities R19.1 billion and all[…]

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Municipal Water and Sanitation Infrastructure

The state of municipal water and sanitation infrastructure, particularly waste water treatment works, is of key concern in South Africa. Challenges being experienced include a lack of ongoing maintenance of existing assets, difficulties associated with revenue collection (with knock-on effects for investment and refurbishment) and a lack of engineering skills in many municipalities. This segment[…]

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DIALOGUE REPORT: Localising Nov 13 2014

Over the last two decades, South Africa has experienced a sustained decline in the size of its manufacturing sector relative to gross domestic product (GDP). This decline has been exacerbated by the continued uncertainty in the global economy, especially in the EU zone, South Africa’s major trading partner for value added goods. This has resulted in significant loss[…]

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Financing Public Infrastructure

Infrastructure has to be paid for, and there are only three ways to fund it: taxes, user fees or grants (money from outside of the jurisdiction), often in a combination of all three. Fortunately there are a vast number of ways to finance infrastructure, that is managing the funding to make money available for when[…]

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The Integrated Urban Development Framework

The Infrastructure Dialogues is a partnership-based programme between major infrastructure sector stakeholders created with the purpose of providing a high level and regular platform for discussion and a sharing of views and perspectives between senior government, private sector and civil society stakeholders in the infrastructure sector. The desired outcome of the collective outputs of the[…]

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